Art collective Trīs aka <3 is composed of young artists and creative individuals:
Sunya, Aleksandra Federika Krastiņa, Liene Lintere, Sīmanis Jākobsons and Katrīna Herta.
The collectively found refuge in the historical building on Alksnāja street, inspired them to open “Alksnājs’’ doors not only to art lovers but also other artists, by frequently organising group exhibitions about relevant topics. The initiative for the current exhibition cycle was born with the idea to give space to experiments of artistic expression and connecting people with ideas, and a dialogue between the historical building and contemporary art.
<3 is working together as a collective and as each individual artist. <3 mission is to unite, to use tools that are available now, to open a safe space for art, to minimize pollution, to make choices that are the least detremental to those involved, developing the narrative of individuality from creative and ironic perspective.
<3 believe that one's individuality is the most valuable thing.
SYMBIOSIS, Kefirsstudio, Kazdanga, Latvia
POP UP DONS, cultural space "Alksnājs", Riga, Latvia
POP UP DEATH, cultural space "Alksnājs", Riga, Latvia
POP UP SHREK, cultural space "Alksnājs", Riga, Latvia
POP UP GOD, cultural space "Alksnājs", Riga, Latvia
POP UP SEX, cultural space "Alksnājs", Riga, Latvia
POP UP CIRCUS, cultural space "Alksnājs", Riga, Latvia
POP UP VOL2, cultural space "Alksnājs", Riga, Latvia
POP UP VOL1, cultural space "Alksnājs", Riga, Latvia
Pop - up nāvīte Alksnājā. Jauno mākslinieku kustība Alksnājā; RADIO NABA
Popaps, patvērums mākslai; Satori; Ikars Graždanovičs
POPAP GALERIJA; "Avīzes nosaukums" "EKONOMIKA"
POP UP SEX; Radio 5; 31.03.2023 11:13